SWAN Philippines expresses deep concern over the passage of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Memorandum Circular (MC) 2021-012, indicating that civil society organizations (CSOs) need to acquire clearance from the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police to participate in local governance activities. We believe that this negates the essence of our democratic freedoms. If CSOs become beholden to those who hold the reins of power, who will provide the checks and balance? If CSOs will always have to look behind their back to check on their ranks, who will speak out to give the dissenting voice? With the blatant disregard to human rights, and with the red-tagging and killing of activists, this MC only gives the abuser the tool and defense to further abuse.
We, #SocialWorkers, believe in #empowerment as the means and end to what we do. Empowerment is not something that is given, it is something that is realized. We therefore cannot ask any agency or institution to bestow a right that is not theirs to give. As supported by Article XIII, Section 15 of our own Constitution, “The State shall respect the role of independent people’s organizations to enable the people to pursue and protect, within the democratic framework, their legitimate and collective interests and aspirations through peaceful and lawful means.” The right to pursue and protect our interest – within what’s lawful and peaceful is necessary to our empowerment. Let no armed personnel say it otherwise. Because when those who decide are also the ones who hold the gun, then we can only pray not to become targets.
Since a lot of Social Workers are employed and/or engaged with CSOs, we enjoin our fellow CSOs to hold the line and uphold our rights, as protected by the Constitution. Do not let this intimidate you. Let us push back and continue working for better accountability and transparency in our government. Social Work Action Network Philippines supports the CSOs’ call to revoke this DILG MC 2021-012 since the Philippine Constitution nullifies this in the first place.